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VEVOR Osciloscopio Digital 1 GS/s Frecuencia de Muestreo Kit de Osciloscopio Profesional Ancho de Banda 100 MHz 2 Canales Algoritmos Matemáticos y FFT para Medición de Señal Mantenimiento Depuración VEVOR Osciloscopio Digital 1 GS/s Frecuencia de Muestreo Kit de Osciloscopio Profesional Ancho de Banda 100 MHz 2 Canales Algoritmos Matemáticos y FFT para Medición de Señal Mantenimiento Depuración VEVOR Osciloscopio Digital 1 GS/s Frecuencia de Muestreo Kit de Osciloscopio Profesional Ancho de Banda 100 MHz 2 Canales Algoritmos Matemáticos y FFT para Medición de Señal Mantenimiento Depuración VEVOR Osciloscopio Digital 1 GS/s Frecuencia de Muestreo Kit de Osciloscopio Profesional Ancho de Banda 100 MHz 2 Canales Algoritmos Matemáticos y FFT para Medición de Señal Mantenimiento Depuración VEVOR Osciloscopio Digital 1 GS/s Frecuencia de Muestreo Kit de Osciloscopio Profesional Ancho de Banda 100 MHz 2 Canales Algoritmos Matemáticos y FFT para Medición de Señal Mantenimiento Depuración VEVOR Osciloscopio Digital 1 GS/s Frecuencia de Muestreo Kit de Osciloscopio Profesional Ancho de Banda 100 MHz 2 Canales Algoritmos Matemáticos y FFT para Medición de Señal Mantenimiento Depuración VEVOR Osciloscopio Digital 1 GS/s Frecuencia de Muestreo Kit de Osciloscopio Profesional Ancho de Banda 100 MHz 2 Canales Algoritmos Matemáticos y FFT para Medición de Señal Mantenimiento Depuración

VEVOR Osciloscopio Digital 1 GS/s Frecuencia de Muestreo Kit de Osciloscopio Profesional Ancho de Banda 100 MHz 2 Canales Algoritmos Matemáticos y FFT para Medición de Señal Mantenimiento Depuración

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  • Portátil
  • Convencional


  • 2
  • 4

Acerca de este artículo

  • Alta precisión y frecuencia de muestreo: Nuestro osciloscopio digital presenta alta precisión y alta frecuencia de muestreo, lo que le permite detectar una amplia gama de señales de circuito. Con una frecuencia de muestreo de hasta 1 GS/s y un ancho de banda de 100 MHz, puede analizar y solucionar problemas de circuitos y sistemas con una precisión excepcional. ¡Prepárese para abordar tus proyectos eléctricos con total confianza!
  • Almacenamiento y análisis de datos independientes: Nuestro osciloscopio portátil está diseñado con capacidades de almacenamiento independientes y puede almacenar hasta 16 conjuntos de datos de formas de onda, lo que le brinda la libertad de elegir entre almacenamiento integrado o unidad USB. Puede acceder y comparar datos fácilmente donde y cuando quiera, ¡lo que facilita el análisis de los resultados de las pruebas!
  • Formas de onda claras en tiempo real: Nuestro osciloscopio profesional está equipado con una pantalla a color de alta definición de 7 pulgadas / 178 mm que puede mostrar formas de onda claras en tiempo real. Con 30 funciones de medición automática y soporte para menús de medición personalizados, ya no necesitará calcular ni medir manualmente. ¡Simplemente toque la pantalla para obtener rápidamente datos clave y disfrutar de la comodidad!
  • Cálculos matemáticos versátiles: Además de sus capacidades de medición fundamentales, nuestro osciloscopio tiene algoritmos matemáticos como suma, resta, multiplicación, división, FFT e inversión, lo que le permite abordar fácilmente escenarios de prueba difíciles. Mejore sus capacidades de prueba. ¡Elija nuestro osciloscopio ahora!
  • Entradas multicanal: Nuestro osciloscopio digital va más allá de las entradas de dos canales al ofrecer capacidades de comunicación multicanal. Con soporte para comunicaciones SCPI y LabVIEW, puede controlar y transferir datos de forma remota. No importa dónde se encuentre, mantenga el control de su proceso de prueba con facilidad.

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VEVOR Osciloscopio Digital 1 GS/s Frecuencia de Muestreo Kit de Osciloscopio Profesional Ancho de Banda 100 MHz 2 Canales Algoritmos Matemáticos y FFT para Medición de Señal Mantenimiento Depuración
Convencional 2
Osciloscopio Digital
Nuestro osciloscopio digital presenta una velocidad de muestreo de 1 GS/s y un ancho de banda de 100 MHz, con funciones independientes de almacenamiento y observación en tiempo real, lo que le permite analizar y solucionar problemas de circuitos con mayor precisión.
Nuestro osciloscopio digital está equipado con una función de almacenamiento independiente, que le permite revisar y analizar sin esfuerzo hasta 16 capturas de formas de onda. Puede acceder a datos históricos cuando lo desee, lo que facilita el análisis de datos.
Se destaca por mostrar formas de onda capturadas con claridad cristalina. Ya sea captura automática de formas de onda o funcionalidad de rango automático, la pantalla a color de 7" proporciona una plataforma intuitiva para analizar cambios de señal.
Nuestro osciloscopio digital admite comunicaciones SCPI y LabVIEW, lo que le permite ampliar sus aplicaciones en diferentes campos. Amplíe sus capacidades de prueba y cumpla fácilmente con más requisitos. Nuestro osciloscopio lo tiene cubierto.
Tiene una amplia selección de 30 funciones de medición automatizadas. Pero eso no es todo: también cuenta con algoritmos matemáticos de suma, resta, multiplicación, división, transformada rápida de Fourier (FFT) e inversión.


Número de modelo
Número de canales
2 canales
Voltaje máximo de entrada
400 Vpp
Ancho de banda
100 MHz
Tasa de muestreo
1 GS/s
Pantalla LCD
Longitud máxima de grabación
10 K
Forma de onda matemática
+, -, *, /, FFT
Soporte para comunicación SCPI y LabVIEW
Número de formas de onda
Almacenamiento de hasta 16 formas de onda
Peso del producto
3,09 libras / 1,4 kg
Dimensiones del producto
11,81 x 6,10 x 2,76 pulgadas / 300 x 155 x 70 mm
Preguntas y Respuestas
Preguntas típicas sobre productos: ¿Es duradero el producto?

Opiniones de los Clientes

34 Reseña(s)
Filtros claros
Philip Pflieger Philip Pflieger
I use this for a hobby and it seems to be an excellent little oscilloscope. It is a easy to understand manual I read the whole manual in about 45 minutes and I was using it in no time at all with ease.
Phil Phil
Excellent yet simple oscilloscope. Other digital oscilloscopes I have bought elsewhere have been much less useful due to their complexity and constant searching through mind-numbing pull down menus. This one is not overloaded with "features" so it is MUCH easier to use from start up. This is my new "go to" oscilloscope for general everyday use. Turn it on...start measuring
Great deal
Very basic scope, but quite nice for the price. Four channels is very handy. Wish it has serial protocol decoding built in.
Great value
An economical scope but of good value, initially scope had DC offset issues on ch 1 and 2, but seller was able to provide a firmware update to fix it.
TomC TomC
My oscilloscope dream come true
Great scope…and amazing price. Intuitive layout. Clear screen. I’ve wanted a nice bench scope for years, but couldn’t pull the trigger on even the more affordable scopes until this deal came along.
Chris Chris
Meets the advertised specs.
There seems to be a lot of variation in the price of the 4 chanel version of this scope: When sold for ~$300 - better save up for Siglent or Rigol. When sold for ~$200 - it holds its ground against similarly priced scopes. When sold for ~$100 - it is a fantastic deal. I got it when it was on sale for about ~$100. When it arrived, I was glad that there was an actual oscilloscope inside the box - at that price I was not sure what to expect. A quick look inside revealed the same guts as in Owon SDS1104. I was pleasently surprised how well this scope performed for its price. It gave me no troubles and it has met or exceeded the advertised specs. Limitations: - only two trigger modes: Edge and Video - memory depth is fixed at 20k samples (shared between all active channels) - no protocol decoding Good bits: - measured scope bandwidth is above 120MHz (in reference to -3dB point) - USB communication with PC. - accurate voltage and frequency measurement (in line with Siglent 8bit scopes) - has most of the common signal measurement options - FFT, slow and basic but still useful and goes out to 500Mhz thanks to 1GS/s sample rate. - fanless, for those who like quiet instruments. - runs of 5.5V supply and draws less than 2A so can be easily converted for battery operation. Conclusion: if you are looking for your first oscilloscope then don't dismiss this one as a mere toy - yes it has limitations but it can still be very useful for those who are learning electronics . It is in a league above all the $100 toy scopes, but still below the likes of modern Siglent and Rigol. In comparison to other scopes on Amazon in May of 2024 I would price this one at $160 - this is a fair price for the capabilities it offers. If you see it for less, then you are getting a good deal.
Dan Dan
Great quality and value and a super deal
This is the exact same model as the Hanmatek DOS1102/1104. With this 40% discount this Vevor version almost 1/3 the price. Grab one at this price while you can, and it will be one of the best deals you get, and you will be glad you did.
Dundee Dundee
Decent oscilloscope
This is the first full sized digital oscilloscope I've owned and although I don't know how to use an oscilloscope, it seems to be ok for what little I have learned from watching videos. This seems to be made by another company that has gotten good reviews, so I'll assume this is as good as that one. I'm just a hobbyist so I think this will be just fine for what I need. I got it on sale for $104.99 plus shipping for a total of $111.29, but now it's even cheaper at $99.99. It dropped $5 from the time I bought it to the few days I received it.
Psychopuppy Psychopuppy
Multi-featured but fragile
Took it out of the box and immediately started using it in a rewiring job. Really great for the basic functions with its intuitive interface, less so for more advanced features. The color screen is easy to read. Except in oscilloscope mode, where it's difficult to read because of the small lettering and so many menus to go through. The kickstand is handy for keeping it upright while your hands are busy with the leads. The manual is good, and you need to keep it nearby, but definitely suffers translation issues. It would be great if this was rechargeable, instead of going through more batteries.
Pen Name Pen Name
Great multimeter with decent oscilloscope function
This multimeter is great! The screen is bright and easy to read at any angle, it is easy to use, and it offers a ton of features! To start with, the accuracy is spot on! Testing it against my other multimeters, the measurements were within a couple thousandths of a volt, which is more than good enough for most uses. As I mentioned above, the screen is really easy to read in any lighting conditions because of it being self-illuminated, compared to many multimeters with their classic-style LCDs that require external light or have (usually) shamefully-awful backlights. That said, you may pay the price in battery life, but it's hard to say how much of a price that is especially when mine is still using the batteries it came with and they haven't gone down on the battery indicator yet after moderate use. Along with the readability of the screen, it also updates the values on screen quite rapidly, so you can see the values you're measuring nearly-instantaneously, and can easily seesmall orquick fluctuations that may be occurring. One of the features I like that this has, that your average multimeter doesn't, is the memory function where you can save your measurements as you make them and can refer back to them later. It also has the ability to set a reference measurement to compare your current measurements to, which can be helpful when you're working with multiple voltage rails and want to measure the relationship between the two without having to remember the previous measurement and calculate out the difference(s) yourself! The oscilloscope functionality is pretty easy to use and to change the settings for, as well. Even setting the trigger mode and level is simple. Plus, it automatically gives you a few helpful measurements like the Peak to Peak and RMS voltages, along with the detected frequency, immediately on the screen. My only complaint with it is that it seems to only be DC coupled, so if you're looking for any sort of AC waveform/noise on a DC supply, you may n

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